具有狭长环照型和对称环照型两种配光型号,分表满足狭长环境和对照环境的照明需求。 运用先进的光学和照明原理优化设计的光学透镜和透明件,光线柔和,照度均匀,有效控制眩光,减小工作人员的视觉疲劳。
光源具有冷白和暖白两种色温选择,无频闪,节能环保。 发热元件贴壳sanre设计,光源腔和和电器腔分离设计,有效控制各部件的温升,延长LED和其他电子元件的使用寿命,保证灯具长期稳定可靠工作。
V2: 高强度铝合金外壳和先进的表面喷涂工艺,防腐等级WF2,可在各种腐蚀环境中长期可靠工作。
V3: igh strength aluminum alloy shell and advanced surface spraying process, the anti-corrosion class WF2, available in various corrosion environment long-term reliable operation.
Optimization of structural design, protection grade IP65, ensure lamps and lanterns is waterproof and dustproof.
Products small size, light weight, not only the pocket is beautiful, and good ability to resist vibration.
Product type, wall hung, rings type suction a top and derrick, such as a variety of installations, adapted to different environment site lighting needs.
?'; " >Products small size, light weight, not only the pocket is beautiful, and good ability to resist vibration.
Product type, wall hung, rings type suction a top and derrick, such as a variety of installations, adapted to different environment site lighting needs.